Tuesday, July 5, 2011

U-Pick Strawberries

On Saturday afternoon we headed to Green Bluff to go pick strawberries with some friends of ours. It was a beautiful day and the kids were all excited and ready to pick yummy strawberries.
We pulled into one of the u-pick farms only to find out their u-picks were all gone. :(  so we made our way to another farm.
we got our picking baskets and headed out to the fields....
Only to find the strawberries were pretty much gone, except for some small ones. not quite what Ashley and I had hoped to find so we could make some freezer jam.
Jordan has about all we could find.... whimpy huh. :)
so we decided to head out and go to a u-pick cherry farm.

before we left, Trent had gotten some 'tickets' to go on the slide and through the farms maze.
this is Jordan and Trent going down the slide. Carson went before I could take out the camera and Audrey's picture was fuzzy.
In front of the maze

Ashley, Nate and kids had headed to the car so we 'cheated' through the maze...(it was kinda lame and not worth the ticket price, but the kids can now say they went through a maze to a castle. )
us 'not' cheating..they made it easy by having an isle right down the center with ropes blocking the way.
crazy mirror in the castle
Audrey had to visit the 'thrown' room so Carson and Jordan occupied themselves...

back in the car... we headed out to the cherry farms only to find out they weren't open until August so we headed to a donut place, only to find out they had closed a half an hour before we got there...who closes a store at 2:30 anyway?  so we parted ways and headed home. heres hoping next visit is a little more productive :) all in all the kids had fun and it was nice to be out of the house with another family. :)

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