Monday, May 30, 2011

County Park Hike

On Saturday afternoon we packed up our family and my brothers family and headed out to the county park to go on a hike. a 6 mile hike to a water fall we introduced the kids to switchbacks and they all did a GREAT job!! Carson and Audrey walked the entire 6 miles(with only a little complaining from Audrey but once we got some food in her she was all good the rest of the way). Jordan walked at least two miles until we decided to put her in the backpack for the switchbacks. little Ryder was a trooper and slept the whole way up and then was happily awake for a lot of the way down.

starting off

The kids kept finding "gun" sticks...Dustin wanted me to take a picture of both his guns ;)

wanted a walking stick like everyone else

touching the water...brrrrr

a must have

2 miles in...right before we started going up...notice how everyone still has their coats on....

2 1/2 miles into it..a break in the switchbacks showed us how far we had come...our car is parked at the start of the brown at the end of the lake.

view behind us.

aren't they cute!

and he made it!!!

"Quick Dustin, my bums getting wet!!"

we stopped before going back down for lunch...Jordan was being a cheese face diaper change too...

Audrey happy for food

back down from the switchbacks. (classic Carson- two thumbs up) such a stud!

oh, yes, a little less then two miles to go and what do I do....sprain the already twisted (that morning) ankle...not good.....right about here I'm saying, "Trent, put the camera down!"

the kids found groupings of lady bugs...they thought it was pretty cool!

she feel asleep part way down.

Such a fun weekend! Dustin, Kellianne and Ryder, thanks for visiting!!

Can't wait till this summer in Wenatchee!!


On Saturday my friend Jenny (in the pink) and I along with her sister Sara ran in a 5k race. It was hosted by a local
church group and the title was "Run for the Son" the guy the event said there were over 47 churches represented. kinda fun to be apart of it. I had never done a 5K before and even after doing a half marathon I still got butterflies in my tummy before the start. :)

Before the race...flashing our numbers :)


Thanks Jenny and Sara!

grand coulee dam

On Thursday my brother Dustin came over for a visit with his wife and new baby. So on thursday we packed up a lunch and we all went to the Grand Coulee Dam. We all had such a great time, we went to the visitors center and then went on a tour of part of the dam as well as going on top of dam (they just opened up the top of the dam to the tour a year ago, before that it was closed because of 9/11)

After we left the dam, a friend in my water aerobics class had told me that we had to stop at the Tepee drive in for lunch, we found it and really enjoyed their shakes....well almost all of us. Audrey fell asleep as soon as we drove away from the dam.

(and again...the pictures are in reverse...oops.)

the Teepee drive in.

If you look close- I'm giving a thumbs up with my milkshake in the car with a sleeping Audrey and playing with Ryder. :) and you can see Carson and Jordan in the left window of the drive in and dustin and kellianne in the middle window

slept through lunch

Once Audrey did wake up, she had fun playing on mommies phone. this is her butterfly

I got some smiles out of this cutie!

all of us on top of the Dam

After this picture she kept saying, "tip me again mom." thrill seeker?? I think so.

on the top of the was really bright ;)

waiting to go on the tour

testing out an old fashioned jack hammer

in the visitor center

Outside of the visitors center

Thursday, May 26, 2011

while the husbands away......

So Trent and I have been talking about how we want to re-do our room...more like put something on our wall or do something, we do spend a lot of time in our room and why shouldn't we add some decorating touches to it..right?
Well a friend of mine recently blogged about how her husband went out of town and she finally re-did her room. Trent was out of town this decided to re-do our room. He comes home tonight and we'll see what he thinks. the only bummer about it is I did purchase a new bed spread and because I found it on clearance the store didn't have it so I have to wait a few days before it gets to the store and then I will post the finished look,. (I also have to wait for the paint to dry on our tv stand, and have to wait for Trent to get home to help me take my hope-chest to the garage so I can re-finish it.) like i said- work in progress, but just adding a few things has made me like it so much more.
(did I mention I did everything-including the bedspread set/paint /picture/candles/votives/paint brush/spray paint- for under 100 dollars)- yep I'm that (cheap) good.

*keep in mind we are renting and they won't let us paint*

the hope chest at the foot of the bed will soon be well as the nightstands.

the bedspread set thats coming is called 'opera barouque'.- can't wait! - our bedspread in the picture us currently upside down so that It would go a little better with the's big flannel squares. :)

Love these things!

Trent and I went to visit his brother in Sweden awhile back and his sister-in-law has these beautiful candle holders all over there house, this is our way of being back in Sweden

*fyi- the picture I took is crooked, not the painting*

Friday, May 13, 2011

lifes a circus

The end of April brought the circus to town. So we decided to take the kids and re-live our younger days. (I remember going once when I was little and the only thing I remember was that we went the the Carnahan's -family friends- and that my dad had his hands on his ears the whole time and afterward said, I will never do that again. lol, my dad's not the biggest fan of crowds.)

Our kids LOVED it!

I thought it was pretty neat, kinda cheaply done, very long, and more focus on the toys and food you could buy then the actual event.

Waiting for the circus to excited!

thank you nice man for taking our picture

Trent brought the kids cotton candy....they were thrilled!

especially since I had just said no to buying anything under the tent.

Jordan was enchanted by all the lights and things going on.

these guys were from Kenya and were amazing and really funny

the bar ended up going to about 4 inches off the ground. crazy

sorry about the picture quality...I wasn't supose to be taking pictures. shame on me

this guy was an olympic diver a long time ago and I would have paid just to see him, I laughed so hard during his performance, even Audrey turned to me during it and with tears going down her face because she was laughing so much she turned and said, "Mom, this guys is Sooo funny."

and of course, the elephants...for all of about 2 minutes.

and lastly, the ringmaster was absolutley not smart, seriously. this crazy contraption would turn in circles and he would would run around the whole thing, first just inside it, then outside and then while he was running around and the thing was spinning he started jump roping. what!! he almost fell off once and it was a for real, almost falling off. Carson turned to Trent and said, " I don't like this, it's kinda scary."
not circus material. daredevil crazy...yes, but not for kids going to the circus.

besides that though, it was fun and the kids had a great time.

playing catch up and ball!

Something had to give lately with dance practices, t-ball practices and games, my class and callings, and it was the blog that has suffered. So I have a little catching up to do in the next little bit (even now, I'm supose to be taking a test but I needed a little break.) :)

First off, Carson started T-ball and LOVES it!! he would be totally happy playing ball everyday all day. He started out having practices on Wednesday and then games on Thursdays and Saturdays and now just games on Thursdays and Saturdays. We have all had fun watching him learn the game and do a great job!

(He's REALLY SUPER excited that grandpa Ray will be coming so he can see a game)

Carson and his team doing a team cheer before their first game. (he's in the orange was FREEZING! seriously, freezing his first game.)


This one's for you dad. ;)